
Découvrez toutes nos propriétés à Copenhague

Équipements à numa
  • Wifi


  • Emplacement central

    Emplacement central

  • Ordinateur Friendly

    Ordinateur Friendly

  • Check-in sans contact

    Check-in sans contact

  • Thé et café

    Thé et café

Vous hésitez ? Jetez un œil à tous nos appartements à Copenhague .

Numa signifie


Vous vous souvenez des lobbys et de la réception ? De la file d'attente ? De la perte de votre clé de chambre ? Tout ça, c'est du passé. Nous sommes dans l'ère du digital, et nous sommes à fond dedans.


Vous recherchez des suggestions pour préparer vos voyages ? Consultez notre blog !

Circular Design & the Future of Travel

Find out how the industry's running circles around climate challenges

Meet the tech team that's teaching an old industry new tricks

Get a glimpse into the digital world of our tech team and see how they're changing the game, one issue at a time. 

What if you could experience your room before you stay?

VR opens the door to a higher level of consumer transparency & potential for expansion

Circular Design & the Future of Travel

Find out how the industry's running circles around climate challenges

Meet the tech team that's teaching an old industry new tricks

Get a glimpse into the digital world of our tech team and see how they're changing the game, one issue at a time. 

What if you could experience your room before you stay?

VR opens the door to a higher level of consumer transparency & potential for expansion

Circular Design & the Future of Travel

Find out how the industry's running circles around climate challenges

Meet the tech team that's teaching an old industry new tricks

Get a glimpse into the digital world of our tech team and see how they're changing the game, one issue at a time. 

What if you could experience your room before you stay?

VR opens the door to a higher level of consumer transparency & potential for expansion